Epoxies and Polyaspartics

Resinous Flooring

These two part resin and hardener polymers are growing in popularity for a large variety of concrete flooring solutions including garages, basements, retail outlets, warehouses, showrooms, commercial spaces, and bathrooms. Options include one solid color, multi colored metallics, or aggregate infused epoxy floors. We top these off with a durable clear coat to match your floors expected use.

We start off all of our jobs by grinding your concrete floors top layer rough. We use advanced dust extractors so that your environment doesn't get dirty. This allows any chemicals and residue to get removed as well as give the epoxy more surface area to bite down on. The small pores and cavities that are created let the epoxies soak down into the concrete and properly adhere. We then fix any cracks and cavities that may be present so you get a more attractive final product. We then apply the primers/base coats/clear coats and any possible aggregate mixes into the epoxies. At times these take overnite to cure each separate layer. In time sensitive environments we use polyaspartic products which cure in several hours. We can also apply for you or leave you with a simple wax to use for your floor so that you can easily maintain your new concrete floor coating. This will allow your floor to stay new, glossy, and stronger longer.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are my options for the control joints with an Epoxy or Polyaspartic floor?

    (In order from least to most expensive)

    1.  Leave them as is. A very common option, but dirt & debris get stuck in there making cleaning difficult. This option is also not recommended for warehouses/shops that have metal wheels that will dip into the joints and chip away at the concrete as opposed to smoothly rolling over them. The joints also potentially cause a tripping hazard to persons in high heels.

    2.  Fill joints with solid cement. If your slab moves, which it likely will, you'll have random cracks develop and of course the epoxy will chip up in the areas where your concrete is cracking. Epoxy is strong, but not strong enough to keep your thousand pound slab together against geological forces. This is actually a very good option, especially if your slab has settled over time and you don't mind the look of some random cracks here and there or possibly everywhere. Many people like this look over having those stupid control joints!

    3.  Fill the control joints with elastomeric polyurea and put your epoxy or polyaspartic coating over them. This will look similar to option 4 when finished. BUT, as time passes, if your concrete moves, settles, expands, contracts, shifts, you MAY have cracking and chipping at the control joints. What you will likely have as well is a telegraphing of the control joints through your design. So you may end up seeing where the joints used to be. Polyaspartic coatings are more flexible than epoxies, so there will be less chances of chipping/telegraphing, but still very possible and/or likely depending on your floors movements.

    4.  Epoxy your floor, then fill the joints with a elastomeric polyurea compound that will stretch and contract with your concrete's movements. If your joints are thick, option five may be more cosmetically pleasing.

    5.  Fill control joints with a solid cementitious product, apply the epoxy, then saw cut thin 1/8” control joints back in place. Then leave as is or fill with elastomeric polyurea. This gives you very thin joint lines that look quite nice when finished. Obviously if you fill the joints with polyurea it will be easier to clean.

  • Can your concrete flooring options save me lighting or cooling expenses?

    Yes, when you choose a highly polished concrete floor or a bright colored epoxy, the lighting in your room goes a lot further, reflecting off the floor and helping to illuminate your space. In the summer you can also save on cooling costs.

  • What are my options regarding colors?

    Contact us for color charts and design suggestions. A molted one or two color design pattern is very popular. You can have company logos, names, symbols, football teams dyed onto your floor. We can make you a variety of patterns including checkered, diamond, wavy lines, symbols, or colored pathways. If you have a design in mind we can work with you to put that down on your floor.

  • What are epoxy or polyaspartic aggregate floors?

    A concrete floor gets coated with an epoxy or polyaspartic that have some sort of aggregate then sprinkled onto it. There are a few reasons for doing this. The foremost being that this gives you a high traction floor that is very slip resistant. This surface can also be excellent at hiding dirt and grime. This concrete flooring solution is typically, but not exclusively, used in garage floors, kitchens, and bathrooms. Where oil, water, and chemical spills are likely. We can and often have the aggregate go up the wall a few inches in what is called a cove. This helps cleaning these areas much easier as any spills can pool and not soak up into the concrete on the wall. The aggregate options are sand, quarts, viynil flakes, glow in the dark flakes, or UV luminescent particles. The lowest cost aggregates are sand and viynil flakes, followed by quartz and then the glow in the dark ones. The quartz is more expensive because more layers of epoxy or polyaspartic are required to properly apply these, so you are in essence paying for a thicker more durable floor.

  • Can you explain metallic epoxies?

    You can get a metallic epoxy with anywhere from one to three colors. These can be spread onto your floor in an endless variety of fashions, making wave patterns, criss-crossing, or gently flowing between each color randomly (the most common). The metallic epoxies go on very thick and so give you a lot of surface protection for your dollar. The thickness also gives the metallics its depth and allows the epoxy to flow across your floor and blend the colors with unique patterns. Epoxies are naturally very durable and impact resistant, despite this we still recommend a clear coat or at least keeping the floor protected with a wax. Scratches have a tendency to show easily on such artistic floors. So if you anticipate anything more than simple foot traffic, we advise topping off the surface with a urethane clear coat. The price we quote you will include a urethane clear coat, unless you specifically ask us to omit it.

  • What do I do with my baseboards?

    You can leave these on if absolutely necessary but realistically, you should remove these for any kind of flooring work your considering; concrete or otherwise. We can do this for you if you like.

    The details: While we have done plenty of work without removing them, it's not advised, and it will cost you more for us to have to carefully work on your concrete floor without doing too much damage to them. If you insist on leaving your floor boards on while we work, it should be still noted that they will inevitably get nicked, scratched, damaged, and dinged in places. Our tools have to be very powerful to grind concrete floors and your option is to either have unfinished edges or for us to try to get right up against them with 8,000 rpm hand grinders spinning a diamond embedded metal alloy disk. If you're getting an epoxy done, your baseboards will be partially embedded in the epoxy floor, this is especially the case for a reflective/metallic epoxy floor that has a thick build. With concrete floor polishing, the chances of damaging them goes up as we have to make numerous passes along your edges with ever finer polishing grits.

  • Do you offer a warranty and what does it cover?

    Yes, a one year warranty comes standard on all of our workmanship. If you'd like an extended warranty we would be gland to oblige you. We don't take shortcuts in our prep work or materials and so are glad to offer you written reassurances on our products and services.

  • What is the difference between an epoxy, urethane, or polyaspartic?

    These are all two part polymer flooring systems that are both mechanically strong and highly impact resistant. Polyaspartic floors are more costly and come with some advantages. One being that it dries much faster for turn around of 24 hours for vehicular traffic. Polyaspartic floors are also more flexible, chemical resistant, UV stable, and abrasion resistant. Urethanes are very similar to polyaspartics, but not quite as durable or fast curing. We typically like to coat our epoxies with a polyaspartic clear coat. We believe that this combination gives you the best of both worlds, the epoxies give you the most bang for your buck, laying down a thick layer for an affordable price, then topping that off with an extremely tough polyaspartic wear layer.

  • What is orange peel and will my clear coat have this?

    This is a slight rippled effect that clear coats produce that appear similar to that of an orange peel. Matte finish clear coats display this much more prominently than glossy finishes with polyaspartics. This effect is seen in both coating types to some degree. We have applied polyaspartics quite thick to eliminate this effect but at great expense to traction! You will also have a far more forgiving floor in terms of hiding any scratches you may put into it with an orange peel/matte finished floor.

  • Would you recommend I go with a glossy or matte finish for my clear coat?

    A glossy finish will serve to hide many imperfections in your concrete including repairs, cracks, patches, pour-backs from trenches that may have been applied separately from the original concrete. A glossy finish also blends any stain work much better giving it a more smoothly flowing appearance. A glossy finish is more modern in appearance and makes the floor stand out more. A drawback is that it is easier for scratches to stand out and you should be more careful not to gouge the floor with anything.
    A more antiqued look would be achieved with a matte finish. A matte clear coat will also provide a bit more traction given the orange peel effect that the clear coat gives. The matte finish will make all stain, repair, and patchwork stand out far more. A small drop from our sprayer will be more visible from further away and it'll make any transitions between colors stand out far more. A matte clear coat will be more forgiving if you scratch it in terms of not standing out as easy.

  • Can you please elaborate on MMAs curing process and chemistry?

    The polymerization (hardening) of this coating type releases strong noxious and hazardous odors right after an organic peroxide activates the hardening process. These odors lasts for only as long as it takes to cure, which is under two hours. The oxygen in the air actually inhibits the hardening process and so a form of paraffin type wax is mixed into the resin in order to create a barrier with the air so that the substance can cure.
    MMAs are often combined with other methacrylates such as 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and 2-ethylhexyl methacrylate which add to an MMAs flexibility and water repelency characteristics and so are sometimes re-branded as PMMAs. Many people in the coatings industry use these two acronyms interchangeably. A candidate environment for this flooring system must have adequate ventilation. For that reason mostly, we prefer to use cementitious urethanes where applications necessitate many of the characteristics of a MMA flooring system.

  • Wouldn't a cementitious urethane coating be best suited for my space given its longevity?

    Urethane coatings would certainly be the most durable option for almost any space, however, given it's higher price point we would only recommend it for certain situations. It is particularly great in many respects and is a perfect fit for industrial plants, kitchens, distilleries, wineries, baking facilities, and manufacturing centers.
    This coating has a very fast turn-around given the fact that it is a one coat system. It dries fast and is laid down quite thick so that you can give it tons of abuse and it isn't phased. It is also quite robust with respects to providing great traction even when subjected to some very slippery substances. If you're looking for a long term investment with minimal maintenance that needs to withstand a ton of abuse physically, thermally, and chemically. Then this is certainly an option we can provide you.

  • Where can I see some of your epoxy or polyaspartic work?

    Parker: One Color Polyaspartic (Grey) Awaken Chiropractic

    9208 East Pine Lane, Parker, CO 80138

    Lousiville: (between Westiminster and Boulder right off I-36) Six different colors of metallic epoxy separating the space into 4 zones.

    Loco Hermanos

    318 McCaslin Blvd, Louisville, CO 80027

    Lone Tree: (located right at intersection of I-25 and I-470) Around 800 square feet of a Thatch Brown colored 100 percent solids Epoxy with a Polyaspartic Clear Coat.

    Brothers Bar & Grill

    7407 Park Meadows Drive, Lone Tree, CO 80129

  • Are epoxy floors slippery?

    They are not normally, but when wet with water or oil they can be. All the flooring solutions we provide conform to OSHA coefficient of friction specifications for floors. We typically include small anti-slip aggregate into the clear coat mix in order to increase the friction co-efficient. This consists of an extremely hard material (aluminum-oxide) that actually helps strengthen your floor as well as give you traction. If you'd like additional anti-slip properties in your floor, like is common for public bathrooms, kitchens, and workshops, we can provide you with one of our common epoxy aggregate mix option. Many other contractors will use a plastic based aggregate in place of aluminum-oxide which will wear away and no longer provide the traction you get when the floor is applied. This isn't the case with the metallic alloy we use. 

  • How do I maintain my epoxy or stained concrete floor?

    We advise that you keep it clean of debris, dirt, and grime. As well as clean up any chemicals as soon as they are spilled. This especially includes wines, brake fluid, bleach, and to a lesser degree urine. You can do this with a ph neutral cleaner like 'simple green' and a micro-fiber mop. You can also just use plain water or a dry micro-fiber mop for routine maintenance. We highly recommended that you occasionally apply a coat of wax to your floors to help them stay strong and shiny. About once every six months should be sufficient for most residential environments. We will recommended for you a specific commercial grade wax for you to use, depending on your floor.

  • Which of your flooring options are suitable for persons suffering allergies or asthma?

    Polished Concrete, Concrete Stains, and Epoxies are all excellent choices. They do not support the growth of molds, pollens, or dust mites. If you have a kitchen or laboratory project in mind let us know, we have numerous products that are specifically FDA approved for these applications! We also have special coatings that are specifically suited to kill bacteria, molds, and fungi on contact. 

  • How long do I have to wait after a new slab is poured to finish it with epoxies, stains, or a polish?

    28 days is recommended for all of the above. If you're getting a new slab poured and are thinking of using our services to finish your concrete floor, please give us a call first, we can provide you with some suggestions regarding the concrete mix and curing additives; especially if going with a polish! Some non-retarding concrete curing additives can increase the cost of your polish.

  • What are my options regarding an epoxy floor?

    We can do one color epoxies with various aggregate options including flakes, quartz, or smooth finishes. You can get metallic epoxies. Or just opt for a few layers of industrial polyaspartic. 

  • What are my concrete floor options?

    You can do a stain and clear coat, an epoxy and clear coat, two coats of polyaspartic resin, a urethane based cementitious coating, a microtopping, or a polish. Each has it's advantages and disadvantages as well as unique options that may or may not suite your needs and application, a brief phone call to us can help us guide you in the right direction.

  • What are some flaws with metallic epoxies?

    The number one issue that you must understand is that there is no way to 'fix' any issues with the appearance of the epoxy or the way it flows without re-doing either your entire space in one big pour. A quite expensive and time consuming affair. One feature that is always encountered is pinholes which cause bubbles in the coating. These are typically from entrapped air trying to escape. Some floors are more or less prone to this and we cannot guarantee anything in this regard, you may have lots of popped bubbles or very few. With Murphies law being what it is, you will get these in the most inopportune place and there is not much we can do about this. Although we do make all attempts to reduce any defects, inconsistencies, and pinholes from forming, we cannot make any promises.
    Given that the epoxy flows for many hours before settling and we cannot force its flow without making matters far worse, you get some potentially unwanted effects, this includes possibly bare spots, which will be the color of your base coat, a color we pick to be close in appearance, but not quite the same color and without the reflectivity. We have yet to do a floor with every inch of the space being completely engulfed with the reflective epoxy coating and not having any bubbles in it. Although texture wise we smooth over all the bubbles with the following coating, their visual effects are still present.
    Before ordering a metallic epoxy we will send you a PDF of some of these effects and if you're a perfectionist looking to examine every inch of the coating and expect no flaws, then this isn't the floor for you.

  • Why coat or finish concrete in the first place?

    Your concrete as a part of your total building infrastructure is often a very substantial part of the complete cost and by finishing it you can maintain that value so that it doesn't degrade. Aesthetically, when people see a concrete floor unfinished it gives the impression of a non-functional storage place and not a living, working, or professional environment. Bare concrete emits concrete dust when unsealed. It is susceptible to staining quite easily. It is liable to absorb oils and other contaminants deep into itself making it impossible in some cases to decontaminate. It is not resistant to molds, bacteria, or fungal growth and so can potentially be a source of pathogen contamination in certain circumstances. It is not easy to clean as it attracts dirt and holds it in its pores. Cleaning costs are far reduced on a coated surface. Concrete coatings help protect the surface from wear. Including salts, oils, water, chemicals, etc. Coatings typically reflect far more light than bare concrete and many other surfaces thus reducing electric bills. You may save costs long term dealing with repairs when not addressed properly sooner. In places with any sort of wheeled traffic control joints are often points of wear when they aren't filled in to allow wheels to smoothly transit the gap in the joints.

  • What are the advantages of a cementitious urethane?

    This floor coating has excellent sound deadening properties, is very impact resistant which is why it's installed in factories, kitchens where heavy objects occasionally abuse the surface. Thermal resistance to extreme hot and cold temperature changes. Anti-microbial variants are available for food, pharmaceutical, and medical applications. Its high abrasion resistance makes it the coating of choice in facilities where steel wheels are used. Examples include bakery carts and factory floors. Its chemical, microbial, and water resistance is a big factor in its use in pharmaceutical, medical, and food preparation facilities. Not only is it resistant to water spilling on it, it is resistant to vapor moisture transmission from below the slab. Other coatings necessitate a vapor barrier coating application to protect from this. This material is often installed with a cove going up the wall some. It has an inherent anti-slip resistance that is maintained through out its lifespan even without a traction additive or after the traction additive wears away. Due to its extremely industrial nature we can offer warranties anywhere from five to twenty years depending on the thickness selected.

    Application wise, it doesn't emit any noxious odors during its curing process. It doesn't need a primer coating to achieve proper adhesion to concrete. It can be used as a one part application system meaning we only have to apply one thick coat and we're done. This saves you labor costs having us to come back and prepare and re-apply layer after layer of many multi-coat systems. Having a one coat system also means that you have less down time for your space. Only a short waiting period to apply it after concrete is first poured.
    Disadvantage wise, it must be applied in temperatures below 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It also is less decorative or aesthetically pleasing as other coating systems. Then there's the issue of price. It can be twice as expensive as some of our other options.

  • What's the best option for a commercial kitchen?

    The answer depends on the kind of abuse your kitchen takes, desired longevity of the floor, amount of maintenance you desire, and of course your budget.
    Starting with the most industrial option and working our way down we would say that a cementitious urethane will best withstand the test of time and abuse. That is an especially good option if you have moisture issues or a very damaged and spalled slab that needs lots of repair or patch work. Given how thick it is laid down it can coat over the spalled and pitted parts of your concrete in one fell swoop. This can save lots of time repairing damaged concrete and could actually end up being your cheapest option, especially if minimizing down time is a concern. From here we have a special 100 percent solids epoxy that we'd recommend that is laid down in several coats and would ideally have flake or quartz broadcast into it for added traction control and durability.

  • What is a cementitious urethane floor?

    Also known as urethane mortar this product is a mix of a specifically engineered form of urethane mixed with various aggregates, portland cement, water, and other proprietary chemicals. This flooring compounds were originally made for the food and beverage industry which specifically had the need to be able to wash their floors with large amounts of water, not support mold/bacteria growth, and resist thermal shock. This flooring system meets all those criteria by being waterproof, highly thermally stable, slip-resistant, and seamlessly go up the wall to form what is known as a cove. This essentially makes a floor a sort of swimming pool if there is a large spill. Because of their large thermal mass they can withstand having boiling oils splash onto it and not delaminate from the floor. Because it is cementitious it expands and contracts at a similar rate as the concrete it's bonded to. This reduces any pressures on the bond to concrete and makes for a seamless system. It can also be applied to freshly poured concrete much sooner than other flooring systems like epoxies.

  • What floor system do you recommend for top performance in killing fungus and bacteria on contact.

    Both the cementitious urethane system and a specific line of modified polyaspartic will be nearly identically effective at keeping the surface of the coating sterile. From there it would depend on other conditions in your environment on whether you'd decide on one or the other. In either case you'll have a sterile floor ideally suited to maintaining top health standards. Both products have been approved by the FDA for use in commercial and industrial kitchen floors. For less physical and thermal shock demanding floors we'd recommend the polyaspartic. In settings like dispensary grow facilities where preventing plant pathogen growth is essential, yet the floors dont undergo as much stress as say an industrial food production plant, we'd recommend the polyaspartic. For surgery rooms in hospitals, it is almost a coin flip, because if there is the likelyhood of sharp and possibly heavy instruments being dropped onto the floor, as well as stretchers and carts with abrasive wheels wearing on the anti-microbial floor coating. The cementitious urethane is easier to slope down into a drain if this is an issue. Depending also on the amount of abuse and traffic your floor will experience you may want to opt for the more affordable polyaspartic and have us re-apply every four years or so as opposed to having a floor with a 20 year warranty right from the get go.

  • How is a cementitious urethane applied?

    The process involves mechanically preparing the floor to create a proper surface profile. We can do this with a special adapter on our grinding machines. After performing the necessary repairs and priming the surface if necessary, we mask off and prep the walls and edges of the space. We prepare the mixes and materials based on your desired aggregate needs and carefully rehearse our execution. Then the material is mixed and applied assembly line style in at a very rapid pace to minimize the chances of the material hardening before it is properly spread and rolled even. We use special rakes, trowels, and rollers to achieve the proper flatness levels and thickness of the coating. This process usually continues until the floor is completely done because if there are no special seams to stop at there is a chance of seeing the separate applications transition lines. The product then gets an aggregate applied and evenly spread to provide added traction, this can be any number of products with numerous decorative options. Typically we recommend colored quartz aggregates broadcast into your mortar.

  • What are the technical specifications of the cementitious urethane coating you typically apply?

    Compressive Strength (ASTM C579) 8,500 psi
    Tensile Strength (ASTM C307) 1,400 psi
    Flexural Strength (ASTM C580) 2,700 psi
    Hardness, Shore D (ASTM D2240) 85-90
    Impact Resistance (ASTM D2794) 160

  • What floor system do you recommend to use in a walk in freezer or other very low temperatures?

    MMA (Methyl Methacrylate) coatings are ideally suited for these applications. This polymer is in the acrylic family and contains no solvents. It is extremely tough and sets up really fast. This flooring product is quite comparable to a cementitious urethane. It can cure in -20 degree Fahrenheit temperatures and be ready to walk on in less than two hours. It is highly resistant to acids and doesn't soak up any water whatsoever. Other applications where this product might be well suited is exterior decks, pool decks, walkways, food and beverage production, commercial kitchens, pharmacutical plants, and cryogenic facilities. It can be used to bridge small cracks without the need for repair mortars and is typically combined with silica or quartz to add to traction control. It's UV stable and so is great outdoors. Because of MMAs strength, vehicle traffic is no match for it's ruggedness. Its downside is that it emits a very strong odor during the application time before it cures.